I'm really excited about the new mileage standards introduced by Pres Obama. With gas on the rise and the economy in the dumps we could all save a little money. And isn't it great that we can help the environment at the same time?!
The New Obama mileage standards, which will take effect in 2012 (which is not that far away), will require cars and light trucks to get an average of 35.5 miles per gallon. DAYUM!!! Right now the only kind of vehicle that gets that type of mileage is a hybrid or smart car. But imagine being able to get that mileage in a car you WANT to be seen in!! I mean, I don't mind hybrids personally. But honestly folks, can you pick up dudes (or females) in a hybrid? They just don't have any swag. Now lets flip it and make it so your BMW 3 series now gets 30 mpg. WHAT!? That will be sooo tight!
But seriously folks, most countries in the world already have more stringent mileage standards in place. So in actuality, we are just playing catch up. As you can see on the chart above, the only folks we are doing better than on our projected mileage standards right now is California, go figure! And of course this will cost us something ($1500 extra per vehicle) but would you rather pay for it in your car payment now or in your taxes later?
Brown Tip
Wind Power!!!
I joined a program through my power company (BGE) to get wind power and it's about a penny cheaper than regular electric! Check it out http://www.cleancurrents.com